Trichoderma Blend – a biological product to increase plant productivity

Home Trichoderma Blend – a biological product to increase plant productivity

Biological product Trichoderma Blend
to increase yields in agriculture

Made in USA


Trichoderma Blend

Natural preparation to increase yield

Биопрепарат Триходерма бленд
Trichoderma blend allows you to increase yields in agriculture.

The concentrate contains scientifically selected natural microbes and bacteria that inhibit the development of pathogens and promote healthy plant growth. All this is due to the activity of special microorganisms in the soil.

Trichoderma Blend is a mixture of Trichoderma (green mold) and bacilli (rod-shaped bacteria), the action of which allows you to increase the yield of agricultural crops.

Trichoderma Blend improves plant resistance to fungal diseases (Rhizoctonia), pathogens of rot Phytophora, fungi of the variety Pythium, Verricillium, Sclerotia rolfsii, mold fungi Fusarium and others, causing root, stem and fruit rot.

The drug also stimulates root growth, increasing the degree of absorption of nutrients, which makes plants healthier and leads to higher yield levels.

Увеличение урожайности

Standards of application

Before use, the specified dose must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 200 to obtain the finished drug

Seed Treatment

Before planting seeds on an area of 1 hectare, 10 ml of the drug is needed



10 ml of the drug in 4 liters of water and pour the roots during transplantation


10 ml of the drug is sufficient for 0.1 hectares of irrigation systems

Greenhouse cultivation

For the treatment of every 25 kg of soil in the greenhouse, 10 ml of the drug is needed


Study of the Tairov Institute on the use of Trichoderma Blend for grapes

Case study of Trichoderma Brand in Brazil


Biologics MICROZYME™

Unique technologies created in the USA by Bio-green Planet, used all over the world
for the purification of organic contaminants for more than 25 years

Биопрепараты Микрозим — производство США

Biological product Trichoderma Blend
to increase yields in agriculture

Made in USA

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