CARPET CLEANER to remove unpleasant odors

Home CARPET CLEANER to remove unpleasant odors

Biological product CARPET CLEANER
for removing unpleasant odors of organic origin

The drug fights the source of odor
Made in the USA




Carpet Cleaner —
is a concentrated preparation of natural strains of cultures (bacteria and flavoring), which eliminate the cause of the smell – organic waste. Carpet Cleaner is popular for removing unpleasant odors from pets and for cleaning surfaces after storing organic products (refrigerators, pantries)
Препарат для удаления запахов Карпет Клинер
Удаление неприятных запахов

The product is intended for biological treatment of all organic contaminants and removal of unpleasant odors from various surfaces.

Удаление запахов животных

Now you can safely have pets without fear of unpleasant odors in the apartments. Your carpets and furniture will be clean.

How to use the biological product CARPET CLEANER

Cleaning surfaces does not require additional knowledge and skills

Testimonial of our client in Ukraine

Biologics MICROZYME™

Unique technologies created in the USA by Bio-green Planet, used all over the world
for the purification of organic contaminants for more than 25 years

Биопрепараты Микрозим — производство США

Biological product CARPET CLEANER
for removing unpleasant odors of organic origin

It will help you get rid of unpleasant odors once and for all!
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