Biological product Deiri TRIT
for the decomposition of dairy waste
Made in USA
Made in USA
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Natural Wastewater Treatment Product
accelerates the decomposition of organic waste in closed and open sedimentation tanks in dairy enterprises, including: milk sugar, milk protein, milk fats, waste and cattle manure.
The drug is a complex of natural, scientifically selected (but not genetically modified) microbes that are effective in a wide range of substrates and environmental conditions.
The use of the biological product Dairy Treat in conjunction with aeration reduces BOD and COD to an acceptable level.
The biological product can be used in closed and open sedimentation tanks of milk processing plants.
Aeration of sedimentation tanks increases the cleaning efficiency several times.
Before use, the liquid concentrate must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1×200. Pour into the sump the next day.
First application: 5 liters of finished product per 100 m3 of wastewater.
Prevention: 2.5 liters per 100 m3 of wastewater.
Made in USA
Fill out the form and our manager will contact you to offer the best option for wastewater treatment
Объём отстойника, куб.м.
Ежесуточный объём сточных вод, куб.м.
1-ое внесение готового продукта: 0,00 л, для этого необходимо 0,00 л концентрата.
Профилактика с внесением готового продукта: 0,00 л, для этого необходимо 0,00 л концентрата.