Distilled Spirits Treat
Biological product for wastewater treatment of enterprises producing alcoholic beverages
Made in USA
Made in USA
Fill out the form and our manager will contact you to advise on the work and effectiveness of the biological product
Spirits Treat Distillets (DST) are a blend of specially selected microbes designed to reduce BOD, COD, particulate matter and odor levels in distillery wastewater treatment.
The microbes in DST have been selected by our team of microbiologists to control substances that are commonly found in wastewater during the alcohol production process. Each DST composition is modified, both for distilled alcohol and for brewery waste. Another benefit of using DST is the increased processing efficiency, which reduces processing costs/liter.
Ideal for use in distilleries and breweries in wastewater treatment
Объём отстойника, куб.м.
Ежесуточный объём сточных вод, куб.м.
1-ое внесение готового продукта: 0,00 л, для этого необходимо 0,00 л концентрата.
Профилактика с внесением готового продукта: 0,00 л, для этого необходимо 0,00 л концентрата.