Food Pulp Treat is a biological preparation for the decomposition of waste during the processing of fruits and vegetables

Home Food Pulp Treat is a biological preparation for the decomposition of waste during the processing of fruits and vegetables

Biological product Food Pulp Treat
for the decomposition of waste in the processing of fruits and vegetables

Made in USA


Food Pulp Treat

Natural Wastewater Treatment Product

Фуд Палп Трит

Biological product Food Pulp Treat

accelerates the decomposition of sludge in closed and open sedimentation tanks generated during the processing of fruits and vegetables. The drug is a complex of six scientifically selected (without genetic modifications) microbial cultures.

The use of the biological product Food Pulp Treat together with aeration reduces BOD and COD to an acceptable level.

The preparation is ideal for the treatment of wastewater generated during the processing of fruits and vegetables with excessive levels of hemicellulose, fiber, pectin and sugar.

Aeration of sedimentation tanks increases the cleaning efficiency several times.

Before use, the liquid concentrate must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1×200. Pour into the sump the next day.
First application: 5 liters of finished product per 100 m3 of wastewater.
Prevention: 2.5 liters per 100 m3 of wastewater.

Разложение отходов при переработке фруктов и овощей

Reviews about Food Pulp Treat

Biological product Food Pulp Treat
for the decomposition of waste in the processing of fruits and vegetables

Made in USA

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Объём отстойника, куб.м.

Ежесуточный объём сточных вод, куб.м.


1-ое внесение готового продукта: 0.00 л, для этого необходимо 0.00 л концентрата.

Профилактика с внесением готового продукта: 0.00 л, для этого необходимо 0.00 л концентрата.


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