Grease Treat – a biological product for the decomposition of fats

Home Grease Treat – a biological product for the decomposition of fats

Biological product Grease Treat
for the breakdown of fats
in wastewater

Made in USA


Grease Treat

Natural purification of the reservoir
without physical intervention.

The biological product Griz Treat is used for the rapid decomposition of almost all fractions of animal fats and vegetable oils in food enterprises, cafes, restaurants.

Used in grease traps and grease separators. Grease Treat is a complex of natural microbial cultures and microorganisms in high concentrations that feed on fats, almost completely processing them.

As a result of the anaerobic microbial activity of the biological product Grease Treat in combination with water and mechanical aeration, an acceptable level of BOD, COD is achieved and the odor level is reduced.

Гриз трит для расщепления жира в сточных водах

Why choose Grease Treat

There are several types of biological product Grease Treat

The difference lies in the carrier of the biological product
and the concentration of bacteria 

Grease Treat tablets

It is used in grease separators and sewage pumping stations

As a result of application – rapid decomposition of almost all fractions of fats and odor removal.

Instructions for use: place One tablet is enough for a period of 15-30 days in a separator or pumping station, depending on the water flow rate (approximately 400 m3).

Биопрепарат для очистки жироуловителя
Биопрепарат для очистки сточных вод от жиров

Grease Treat liquid concentrate

It is used in grease separators in catering establishments, food enterprises, municipal sewage pumping stations, large agricultural enterprises

As a result of the application – rapid decomposition of almost all fractions of animal fats and vegetable oils, odor removal. Wastewater is treated: the permissible level of BOD, COD and odor is reached.

Norms of use
Dilute the drug with water in a ratio of 1×200. The next day, pour into the place of contamination at a volume of:
up to 1 m3 – 300 ml / day;
1-4 m3 – 600 ml per day;
more than 4 m3 – 1250 ml per day.

Feedback from our customers in Ukraine

Biologics MICROZYME™

Unique technologies created in the USA by Bio-green Planet, used all over the world
for the purification of organic contaminants for more than 25 years

Биопрепараты Микрозим — производство США

Biological product Grease Treat
for the breakdown of fats
in wastewater

Order now and save on mechanical cleaning and disposal of fats from the enterprise, as well as get rid of unpleasant odors

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